
HowTo - Edit K-Menu in Dragonfire - Solved

Wanderer - 01.06.2012, 05:15 Uhr
Titel: Edit K-Menu in Dragonfire - Solved
Thank you. This is the first time I've tried Kanotix and am enjoying it very much; however, I see no way to edit the menu. I'm big into customizing my distributions including what I see and don't see in the menu. Thanks again
for any help on this.

Dragonfire 64bit. I understand this is a preview and there may not be an answer to my question.

Never mind - install kmenuedit from synaptic. DUH!
Kano - 01.06.2012, 07:29 Uhr
Titel: Edit K-Menu in Dragonfire - Solved
Thx you found one missing package, we do not test every possible feature...
Wanderer - 01.06.2012, 22:25 Uhr
Titel: Re: Edit K-Menu in Dragonfire - Solved
Kano hat folgendes geschrieben::
Thx you found one missing package, we do not test every possible feature...

I understand. That is why you have folks like me to help. Lachen
Kano - 02.06.2012, 01:07 Uhr
Titel: Re: Edit K-Menu in Dragonfire - Solved
But dont expect new iso images so soon...
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