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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 01:39 Uhr

Anmeldung: 12. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 1005

when I first started using kanotix full time I was also very into these tiny differences, they drove me up the wall, but between learning how to more or less configure firefox, and installing all my old windows fonts on kanotix, and just not paying that much attention to small glitches like that, I stopped thinking about it.

The screenprints are being taken by different tools I assume, which are handled slightly differently in each os in terms of rendering.

I don't pay attention to this kind of difference anymore, I just accept that stuff is going to look and act a bit different on each desktop, why, who cares, I don't, macs will be different than xp which is different than windows 98 first version which is different than desktop x on linux running driver y.

Ignoring this has worked so well that now I don't even notice that my dual monitors don't have the same color values, bug in my video card hardware in this case, but I stopped looking to see it and now barely notice. For a graphics/image guy like you this would probably be hard to do, but these things will be different, no doubt about that.

On the bright side, now that I'm completely used to linux kde desktops, when I boot into windows w2k or xp I think something is off or wrong, LOL... some might say that I'm simply seeing what was there all along..

Of course, these subtle differences pale, so to speak, in comparison to those ultra dark images and websites incompetent mac web designers have put out for years, you know the ones, where everything looks murky and muddy on pcs, windows or linux, and look bright and cheerful on the mac, which uses a different gamma setting by default. Technically correct in terms of print output, but horribly wrong for the 97% of the rest of the world not using macs and viewing the image/color choices.

Or my friends piece of sh$t dell, that simply will not allow correct color settings to stick, prefering always to move to the dark realms.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 01:53 Uhr

Anmeldung: 22. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 1296
Wohnort: Budapest
JimC, what is wrong? Your screenshots are far too tiny.

Btw: just Opera gets your linked sites right in Linux. You might contact the webmaster about that. In FF or mozilla they are really f****d up.


Sorry about being harsh, but I'm too old to care about: but in Windows ... Far too old.


Zuletzt bearbeitet von hubi am 09.07.2006, 01:56 Uhr, insgesamt ein Mal bearbeitet
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 01:54 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 219



I just finished tweaking the settings in Nvidia using some test charts to try and "eyeball" it for gamma, etc. and got it a little better. I'll spend more time on it later.

It will take me some getting used to (and because they are different is probably what's driving me nuts). lol

I would have thought that the same mamifactirer's video drivers would behave the same with the same monitor (even though one is for Windows and the other is for Linux). But, I guess there is a lot more going on "under the covers" with the way the OS is interacting.

Jim C.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 02:09 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 219

hubi hat folgendes geschrieben::
JimC, what is wrong? Your screenshots are far too tiny.

Click on the viewing size under the photo (choose original for 1024x768).

Btw: just Opera gets your linked sites right in Linux. You might contact the webmaster about that. In FF or mozilla they are really f****d up.

You don't really think Phil's (Phil Askey is the site owner/editor) is going to change it, do you? lol

I've lot count of the number of complaints I've seen over the years from users of other operating systems and browsers. But, it's fine now for me after installing more fonts (or, good enough anyway).

Speaking of Opera... I've never tried it. I'll download it now and see how I like it.

Jim C.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 02:28 Uhr

Anmeldung: 22. Jan 2006
Beiträge: 1296
Wohnort: Budapest
JimC, I did not see that one. And sorry for my shitty attitude, I am a bit ... "illuminated".

So it looks quite ok at your machine, at mine the menue on the left is really messed in FF and mozilla in Kanotix, not in Windows (menue items are overlapping).

Opera is always a good try, no matter which OS.

Sorry again for my first post, it's too late to cancel it, I try to sober a bit (nights in Budapest are really freaking).


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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 02:42 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 219

I haven't done any screen prints from Kanotix since I added the WebCore Fonts. But, it's good enough at font size consistency now.

Don't worry about the attitude. That was my thought when I saw the menus. in Linux distros at first. lol

I really didn't have a very good attitude around here when I first started hanging out in the forum (trust me, your attitude is quite tame). Winken I was just plain mad at the world because I couldn't find a Linux distro that did everything I wanted without so darn much tweaking. I'm trying to keep a better attitude this time around.

I can't get Opera to install. I downloaded the .deb file from their web site it said to use for Debian Sid (I'm guessing that's the right one). I don't know much about intalling anything in Linux yet, though. I thought all I had to do was click on the .deb file to install something (I seem to remember doing that before with other things). But, that gives me some kind of invalid path error in Ark (which is what loads).

I tried dpkg from a console as root, too (and even downloaded it again from a different mirror to make sure the download wasn't bad). But, it doesn't work. It gives me this error after it goes through some text about unpacking, etc.:

Setting up opera (9.00-20060616.6) ...
[Invalid UTF-8] Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/kde/knxcc_info.desktop': desktop entry contain line 'Comment[de]=Informationen \xfcber Kanotix' which is not UTF-8


Well, I see it under the menus, and it's working. So, I guess it installed anyway (unless it was already there to begin with and I never noticed it).

So, I've got Opera. I'll play with it and see how I like it.

Jim C.
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 03:11 Uhr

Anmeldung: 12. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 1005

I havent' seen that bug for a while, it's a config file error, you can fix it quite easily this way:

Comment[de]=Informationen \xfcber Kanotix'

change to

Comment[de]=Informationen uber Kanotix'

somebody somewhere made a mistake and saved a file using illegal [for utf-8] characters, just edit that u umlaut character to a simple u and it will be fine.

by the way, you can just install opera through apt, it's easier.

add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://deb.opera.com/opera sid non-free

first fix the config file character error, then apt-get remove opera
then apt-get update
then apt-get install opera

and you're ready to go. Opera is non-free, commercial software, and is gotten directly from opera, their debian package maintainer seems to have learned how to test his packages on a working debian system, which he wasn't doing on opera 8.5x, opera 9 now seems to not have the apt issues 8.5 did.

And yes, each driver is different, it's a massive ball of code, with I would guess thousands to hundreds of thousands of lines of code, that are written to interact directly with the kernel of the os it is attached to. So they will all be different potentially. There is no such thing as a toaster computer, that is one thing for all people.

And of course, take a read of this article:

it's worth some thought, since it gets into just why and how we actually approach problems and unexpected behaviors the way we do. Some stuff appears to be so obvious that you just say, yeah, ok, I know that, but the fact is it most of us don't actually understand what this guy is saying. The more I use linux the more sense that article makes to me by the way, every now and then I learn a new way to do something and I go, ah, another windows habit I assumed was right was just a bad habit.
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Titel: Fonts in Kanotix versus other distros  BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 03:54 Uhr

Anmeldung: 24. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 354
Wohnort: Nashville
Just a followup note...

I have Suse 10.1 and SLED installed. I have Fedora Core 5 installed. I have Mandriva 2006 installed. I have PCLinuxOS and CentOS and the last version of Mepis before Mr. Woodchuck opted for Ubuntu installed. I have fiddled with the fonts on all of them and none render as crisp as Kanotix.

Maybe it's Debian or maybe it's Kano and friends or maybe it's a combination of both. Regardless, my fonts on Kanotix are every bit as good as the fonts on XP and somedays, they seem even better. And fonts are important to me because these 56-year-old eyes need all the help they can get. Smilie

Debian Social Contract
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 04:21 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 219

Thanks h2

I'll edit the file and uninstall and reinstall it correctly. I searched for it using Synaptic. But, I guess the respository it was in wasn't included by default.

It's working the way it is... But, it doesn't appear to be stable (although it's very fast on a couple of sites I visited). I was in the middle of typing a long response a few minutes ago, and it suddenly vanished. lol No errors or anything. It was there one second and gone the next. So, I had better install it again.

It did have an interesting recovery feature when I restarted it though (it was able to open everything I had up before (minus the text I was in the middle of typing).

I skimmed the article you just posted a link to. I've spent a lot of time "playing" with Linux. But, I've never tried to use it for long. I switched my wife to SimplyMEPIS quite a while back after trying a LOT of Linux distros (I must have gone through a couple of hundreds CDs burning and installing different distros). It was just the easiest one to get working with everything while still giving you a reasonable "look and feel".

It was also one of the few distros with KDE that would actually run on an old PII Laptop I bought her. I was able to get one of the Mepis 3.x versions running on it in only 64MB of RAM (and I even got Open Office, Firefox and Gimp to load at the same time, although it was a dog that way), just to see if it was possible. I think this laptop was below the minimum system requirements (but, it stil worked).

Most distros wouldn't even install on it. I upgraded it to 256MB of RAM later. The version she's got now appears to be a bit more of a resource hog though (it runs a little slower). I think it's one of the SimplyMEPIS 3.4 Release Candidates (I never bothered to install the final on it and only installed a newer one because we bought a different printer that needed supporting). It works fine for her needs, though.

I usually keep one of the Mepis RCs on my desktop (dual boot with XP). But, I just overwrote it with Kanotix yesterday.

Kanotix is interesting. I had previously messed around with a lot of the 2005 Release Candidates. It's a lot more trouble to get everything working in though compared to SimplyMEPIS (which already has codecs for many media types working straight from the box, and recognizes most hardware like wireless cards, printers, etc., without needing to do anything else to it). I think it's actually easier to intall compared to Windows, even if you don't know anything about PCs.

I've even switched a few relatives from Windows to it and intalled it for them (even though I'm still running XP as my primary desktop). lol It sounds like there is some debate on how Warren is approaching the GPL though. I'd never paid that much attention to that side of things before. It's got to be the easiest to install distro around.

But, Kanotix was easier to install codess, etc. in compared to most other distros I've tried. It's too bad there are so many proprietary formats that cause these kind of distinctions between what a distro maintainer can or cannot do (and then I guess you've got varying attitudes about keeping only free software included, too).

I'll spend some time with 2006-easter-rc4 and try to keep an open mind about it. The fonts look good enough now for me. I should have figured out that problem a long time ago. I've been wanting to switch from XP for a while now, but never found a distro that I was very comfortable with (and that's probably because I'm so used to Windows).

Jim C.
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Titel: Re: Fonts in Kanotix versus other distros  BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 04:44 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 219

michael7 hat folgendes geschrieben::
Just a followup note...

I have Suse 10.1 and SLED installed. I have Fedora Core 5 installed. I have Mandriva 2006 installed. I have PCLinuxOS and CentOS and the last version of Mepis before Mr. Woodchuck opted for Ubuntu installed. I have fiddled with the fonts on all of them and none render as crisp as Kanotix.

Maybe it's Debian or maybe it's Kano and friends or maybe it's a combination of both. Regardless, my fonts on Kanotix are every bit as good as the fonts on XP and somedays, they seem even better. And fonts are important to me because these 56-year-old eyes need all the help they can get. Smilie

That's good to know. I haven't tried Suse 10.1 or SLED. I really didn't want to go through a 5 CD install again. lol I did install Suse 10.0 multiple times last year. I kept coming back to it, since it seemed to run so well on my desktop with nice looking fonts. But, I noticed only the Eval version looked nice (the Open Source version didn't seem to work as well). That may have had something to do with the options I installed it with though.

I also never got all of the media on web sites we visit working right with Suse (even trying to follow the "Hacking Open Suse" articles I found. lol So, I finally gave up on it.

I wasn't very impressed with PCLinuxOS either, and it wasn't very stable on my PC. It seems to get good reviews from most users though.

Jim C.
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Titel: RE: Re: Fonts in Kanotix versus other distros  BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 06:10 Uhr

Anmeldung: 05. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 414
Wohnort: Auckland, New Zealand
So I can find the fonts in xp, but where do I put them in kanotix?

Linux is evolution, not intelligent design - Linus Torvalds
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Titel: RE: Re: Fonts in Kanotix versus other distros  BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 06:22 Uhr

Anmeldung: 12. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 1005

kde control center -> system administration --> font installer

login with your root password to set the system fonts, then just import all the ones you want from your xp by clicking 'ad fonts' and navigating to where your xp fonts are located.

Read more on dist-upgrades using du-fixes-h2.sh script.
New: rdiff-backup script
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Titel: RE: Re: Fonts in Kanotix versus other distros  BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 06:52 Uhr

Anmeldung: 05. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 414
Wohnort: Auckland, New Zealand
Thanks man Smilie

Linux is evolution, not intelligent design - Linus Torvalds
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Titel: RE: Re: Fonts in Kanotix versus other distros  BeitragVerfasst am: 09.07.2006, 16:41 Uhr
Team Member
Team Member

Anmeldung: 03. Mai 2005
Beiträge: 1544
Wohnort: out there somewhere
Yup, I just grab tahoma off of XP, i switch off between that and freesans both in bold and my system looks better than exPerience font wise. Smilie

h2's d-u script
h2's rdiff-backup script
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 29.07.2006, 02:54 Uhr

Anmeldung: 12. Jun 2006
Beiträge: 16

I put a post over in another part of the forum here: http://kanotix.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t ... rt-15.html

I tried to summarize everything so far for beginners that has worked for me, there's also some 'news' that Jim.C seems to have reported already in this thread. There is also a vague solution on how I solved a mystery of disappearing text in GTK apps and Firefox.

Maybe an RC1 of a how-to for Debian/Kanotix fonts? I'd be glad of a single place where any new solutions can be added by anyone who finds them....
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Titel:   BeitragVerfasst am: 05.08.2006, 22:08 Uhr

Anmeldung: 05. Dez 2005
Beiträge: 414
Wohnort: Auckland, New Zealand
Paul.G hat folgendes geschrieben::
I put a post over in another part of the forum here: http://kanotix.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t ... rt-15.html

404 Not Found ... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

edit: ha! ...
http://kanotix.com/index.php?name=PNphp ... p;start=15

Linux is evolution, not intelligent design - Linus Torvalds
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Titel: Linux Libertine Open Fonts offers free Times Roman alternati  BeitragVerfasst am: 28.08.2006, 18:29 Uhr

Anmeldung: 16. Mar 2005
Beiträge: 219

NewsForge has a link to this story today:

Linux Libertine Open Fonts offers free Times Roman alternative

Jim C.
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